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Jewish Value

Did you know that children, youth, teens and their families who experience a Jewish summer camp, are more likely to:
Be engaged in Jewish life as adults and support Jewish causes,
Become more likely to join a local synagogue and value their Jewish heritage, and
Take on Jewish leadership roles in their communities.
Our campers and young adults are the future communal leaders and through innovative programming, we instill an appreciation for what it means to be Jewish.
One of our oldest Abrams’ camp traditions is being a mitzvah maker. All summer long we do good deeds for charities in our local communities and abroad in Israel too. Our Madrichim (counselors in training) lead us through this weekly tikkun olam.

Activities Include:
Shabbat sing-alongs
Hebrew word of the day
Israeli cooking
Ruach (spirit)
Maccabiah/Color War
Israeli Fair
Grandparent's L'dor Vador Breakfast
Tzofim Israeli Scouts visit
The Big Give
Boker Tov (good morning) fun
Bonding with Israeli counselors
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